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Franchise your brand  or 
Become a franchisee in Switzerland

You are a franchisor and want to enter the Swiss market? Our expertise is the answer to any brand willing to come and expand in Switzerland through franchising, JV or market opening.

Do you want to become a franchisee of a profitable brand in Switzerland?

Finding the right business and brand in which you want to invest is a key milestone of your project. 

We will guide and support you during this crucial phase using our large brand portfolio. 

Nos services

Our services

Import a brand into Switzerland

We benefit from privileged relationships with brands that entrust us with their development in the Swiss market. 

Franchise your brand or your concept

If you already own a concept that you want to launch as a franchise, we can guide you through the rules and good practices.

Do you want to invest in a successful brand?

We have a large brand portfolio that might be of interest to you.

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